[Thinlinc-technical] Firefox web access stuck at "HTML5 client is loading"

Rob De Langhe rob.de.langhe at twistfare.be
Mon Nov 23 21:09:13 CET 2015

  hi Pierre (and all),

It seemed to be left-overs of a previous TL release on the server, which
seem not be correctly/completed cleaned up by installing a newer version of
TL :

(working on Ubuntu 14.04LTS)

1) I removed version 4.4
2) I installed version 4.5
3) web access was not working (hanging on the "HTML5 client is loading"

Correct procedure :

1) I removed version 4.5 packages
2) I removed entire /opt/thinlinc directory
3) I installed version 4.5
4) web access was working fine now !

So to me, this way of upgrading TL is not safe. After removing the TL
packages, there are files and scripts left on the master under
/opt/thinlinc from older TL version that break the correct functioning of a
new TL version that gets installed.

Only safe way (until corrected by Cendio) is the second way of working
(trashing any left-overs of TL on the server before re-installing).

kind regards,

Citeren Pierre Ossman <ossman at cendio.se>:

> On Thu, 12 Nov 2015 00:36:06 +0100
> Rob De Langhe <rob.de.langhe at twistfare.be> wrote:
>> When I connect to the home-page of the master, I get the login form.
>> Entering username "robdl0583 and password, the page with "HTML5
>> client is loading..." appears, then nothing.
>> No errors on the agent, as it seems:
> This usually indicates an error on the client side, so you need to
> check the browser error log. It's usually under the development tools
> and called console or such.
> If you are on iOS or OS X then the problem may simply be that your
> certificate is invalid. Those platforms are a bit more difficult to get
> working with a self-signed certificate.
> If possible, you could also try ThinLinc 4.5.0. We've made some
> improvements in error reporting in the HTML client.
>> But errors on the master:
>> master# tail -f /var/log/vsmserver.log
>> ...
>>   File "/opt/thinlinc/modules/thinlinc/vsm/xmlrpc.py", line 547, in
>> handle_method
>>     raise NotImplementedError , "Subclass must implement
>> handle_method" NotImplementedError: Subclass must implement
>> handle_method
> Yeah, we've seen that a few times:
> https://www.cendio.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=5556
> These seem to occur without any errors showing in the HTML client
> though, so it's probably unrelated to the issue you are having.
> Rgds
> --
> Pierre Ossman           Software Development
> Cendio AB                https://cendio.com
> Teknikringen 8                https://twitter.com/ThinLinc
> 583 30 Linköping        https://facebook.com/ThinLinc
> Phone: +46-13-214600        https://plus.google.com/+CendioThinLinc
> A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
> Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
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