[Thinlinc-technical] TLDC and Lubuntu/LXDE

Aaron Sowry aaron at cendio.se
Wed Jul 3 09:53:04 CEST 2013

Hi Jens,

> Unfortunately this doesn't seem to work as we always get the default
> menu structure of lubuntu rather than the one we configured. Is there
> some hidden magic or thing we need to additionally do to get the
> desktop customizer working for lubuntu/LXDE as well? As far as we know
> LXDE uses the same menu structure as GNOME so shouldn't it in principle
> work the same?

We don't have a lot of experience with Lubuntu/LXDE unfortunately. Is
there anything that shows up in the log files (xinit.log)? Perhaps you
could send this log to us at support at cendio.se so we can investigate

Aaron Sowry                     | http://cendio.com
Developer / Technical Support   | http://twitter.com/ThinLinc
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