[Thinlinc-technical] Support for Ubuntu 14.10 in upcoming ThinLinc 4.3.0?

Karl Mikaelsson derfian at cendio.se
Tue Oct 28 17:22:13 CET 2014

Jens Maus <j.maus at hzdr.de> writes:
> I know that ThinLinc 4.3.0 is officially supposed to support Ubuntu
> 14.04 only, but since 14.10 had been just released and is a rather
> minor update many people will probably install it (like we) and it
> would be great if support for 14.10 could also be added before the
> official release of ThinLinc 4.3.0.

It's unfortunately way too late in the release cycle to start adding new
bugs to the release, so we're forced to push these issues ahead to
ThinLinc 4.4.0 at earliest. The bug report you added (thanks!) has been
scheduled for ThinLinc 4.4.0.


On the topics of Ubuntu 14.04 vs 14.10, it's worth noting that Ubuntu
14.04 is a LTS release. Historically, we've always recommended the LTS
version of Ubuntu, and thus use it for as one of our testing platforms.
We will still support and fix ThinLinc bugs affecting newer Ubuntu
releases, but our recommendation will still be Ubuntu 14.04 until a
newer LTS shows up.

> So any advice on how to fix an existing 4.2.0 installation to run on
> Ubuntu 14.10 or what to change to get 4.3.0beta1 running on Ubuntu
> 14.10 as well? Please find attached an excerpt of the tl-setup.log
> file demonstrating the AppArmor error and subsequent errors when
> installing the vsm services.

I haven't looked closer at the actual issues at hand, so I will have to
ask you to wait for updates to the bug.

Karl Mikaelsson     derfian at cendio.se
System Developer    +46 (0)13-290863
Cendio AB           http://www.cendio.com/

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