[Thinlinc-technical] tlclient on Linux: pulseaudio sink inputs not allowed to move to different sink?

Peter Astrand astrand at cendio.se
Thu Jan 30 10:39:24 CET 2014

Jens Maus wrote:

>> It's hard coded, so no possibility of tuning, no. It was done by
>> the upstream PulseAudio project, so I can't answer why either. It does
>> look accidental though. I've added a bug in our tracker for it:
>> https://www.cendio.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=4969
>That sounds interesting. Have you actually tried to change that 
>particular line to say that the no_move flag is not turned on since you 
>are building your own pulseaudio for ThinLinc anyway? I could easily test 
>here if that fixes our issue with not being able to move the ThinLinc 
>sink-input while not breaking any audio related features of ThinLinc.

Hi. We have turned off this flag in our code now. Additional testing 
remains, but if you want, you can try out the "nightly build" version 
available from https://www.cendio.com/downloads/clients/ .

Peter Astrand		ThinLinc Chief Developer
Cendio AB		http://cendio.com
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