[Thinlinc-technical] Allowing Concurrent Clients Login

Pierre Ossman ossman at cendio.se
Tue Feb 4 16:06:58 CET 2014

On Mon, 3 Feb 2014 04:26:44 +0000,
Avijit Ashe wrote:

> Hi,
> Warm greetings to all thinlincers. Please help me if you can with my following problems.
> Issues 1:
> I was unable to login using more than one clients simultaneously to my thinlinc server. When one connects, automatically the other gets disconnected, which means that my terminal server is unable to run concurrent sessions. The documentation says it's free version can run up-to 10 clients but I am unable to test this facility. So, where am I going wrong with my approach? Kindly help me, here.

Multiple sessions for the same user is disabled by default. If you wish
to change this then you can reconfigure the system to allow unlimited
sessions per user:

	sudo tl-config /vsmserver/max_sessions_per_user=0

> Issue 2:
> How to configure the server to automatically assign username and password to clients for logging into the thinlinc terminal server, just like it happens for the demo servers(we create an account and get a username and password to login, which provides unique sessions to all).

There is nothing shipped with the product to easily allow you to create
new users. I'm afraid you'll have to look at the tools provided by your
distribution, or some third-party software.

> Query 1:
> Is it possible to use thinlinc like an windowing application which enables us to minimise and maximise the window when needed and be able to work on the local machine as well by just switching between them (something like rdesktop)?

Yes. Under "Options" and then "Screen" you have a check box for "Full
screen mode". Disabling that will start the client in windowed mode.
You can also switch between the modes from the F8 menu in a running

> Query 2:
> Can we access the files and folders on the local machine while we are connected to a thinlinc terminal or application server through an active session? Suppose we (at client) want to import some file (on the client's machine) to the thinlinc server and run an application on the server that uses this file for input. How can we do it being on the client?

Yes. Under "Options", "Local Devices", "Drives" you can list the
directories you want exported to the ThinLinc server. They will be
available in your home directory in a folder called "thindrives".

Pierre Ossman           Software Development
Cendio AB		http://cendio.com
Teknikringen 8		http://twitter.com/ThinLinc
583 30 Linköping	http://facebook.com/ThinLinc
Phone: +46-13-214600	http://plus.google.com/+CendioThinLinc

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
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