[Thinlinc-technical] FreeRDP: Keyboard layout detection

Jens Maus j.maus at hzdr.de
Wed Feb 5 10:59:14 CET 2014

Hi Rafael,

Am 05.02.2014 um 10:43 schrieb Rafael Ostertag <rafael.ostertag at math.uzh.ch>:

> We're running ThinLinc 4.1 on the clients and servers on top of Ubuntu 12.04. The clients use different keyboard layouts, e.g. Swiss German, US, etc, which works fine so far.
> However, we need to use FreeRDP 1.1 to connect to our Windows 2012 R2 RDS servers and the keyboard layout detection of FreeRDP is giving me headaches:
> By default, when launching FreeRDP on a ThinLinc Server, it tries to detect the keyboard layout from the xkb file. In our case, this always results in a US keyboard detection, even if the client uses a Swiss keyboard, for instance. (Disabling the detection via xkb files at compile time, results in the same behavior)
> Changing the keyboard map in a ThinLinc session, let's say using `setxkbmap', to match what the client is actually using, makes FreeRDP pick up the proper keyboard map. So far, so good.
> Now, the question is, is it possible to get FreeRDP work in a similar way to rdesktop, which more or less "auto detects" the keyboard layout, regardless of what the VNC Server thinks it is? If yes, how can that be achieved?
> Thanks for your time.

Have you tried downgrading to FreeRDP 1.0.3dev (Use the stable-1.0 github tree - https://github.com/FreeRDP/FreeRDP/tree/stable-1.0)?

AFAIR this was one of the reasons why we downgraded from 1.1 when using FreeRDP from within a ThinLinc session.

Dr. Jens Maus
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
Institute of Radiopharmaceutical Cancer Research
Department of Positron Emission Tomography
POB 51 01 19, 01314 Dresden, Germany
http://www.hzdr.de/ | +49 351 260 2757

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Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Roland Sauerbrey,
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(Please note a real name change effective since 5.9.2013.
Former name: Jens Langner)

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