[Thinlinc-technical] Low Cost Android Thin Client.

Ken Mandelberg km at mathcs.emory.edu
Fri Aug 22 00:11:48 CEST 2014


Thanks for the clarification. My interest is only in a very low cost 
appliance solution. I mentioned Android only in that there are so many 
Android/Arm media sticks or tiny boxes that go for under $100, and can 
do 1080P. Android itself is unnecessary and sits on top of Linux anyway, 
and I seem to remember seeing some that can run a small Linux 
distribution without Android.

I know the Raspbery Pi is under powered, but a box that cost twice a Pi 
and had the power to run Thinlinc desktops at least as well as Sunrays 
run theirs would be a great solution.

Are any of the hard-float ARM Linux hardware that are known to work very 
low cost? I guess Pi is hard-float-v6 but still under powered.

On 08/21/2014 05:07 AM, Karl Mikaelsson wrote:
> Ken Mandelberg <km at mathcs.emory.edu> writes:
>> I seem to recall that thinlinc now as some preliminary Android/Arm
>> support. What is the lowest cost Android thin client known to work with it?
>> We run Sunrays now and are waiting for a really low cost Android
>> replacement to migrate.
> Hi Ken,
> I'd like to avoid any misunderstandings by stating that we do not have a
> native Android client/app. Our recently-released ARM clients are
> targeting hard-float Linux platforms, and we're working on expanding
> that to soft-float Linux platforms as well.
> That said, the HTML5 client will work fine with browsers on Android if
> Android is something you are interested in for other reasons.

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