[Thinlinc-technical] Sharing a single Instance of Linux?

Pierre Ossman ossman at cendio.se
Mon Jun 10 11:21:13 CEST 2013

On Sun, 09 Jun 2013 11:35:10 -0400
Ken Mandelberg <km at mathcs.emory.edu> wrote:

> We are Sunray users. Sunray allows us to run the Sunray server software 
>   on a multiuser Linux server, and give each Sunray a desktop session on 
> that single instance. No VMS's required.
> Is this possible with Thinklinc?

Yes, this is precisely how ThinLinc works. We do have some
virtualisation support in ThinLinc, but that's a side feature and
requires a separate VMware server. The primary use case is a classical
terminal server where multiple users share the same system.

Pierre Ossman           Software Development
Cendio AB		http://cendio.com
Teknikringen 8		http://twitter.com/ThinLinc
583 30 Linköping	http://facebook.com/ThinLinc
Phone: +46-13-214600	http://plus.google.com/112509906846170010689

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
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