[Thinlinc-technical] HTML5 Client on iPad

Roman Plessl roman.plessl at oetiker.ch
Tue Jul 16 15:49:35 CEST 2013


I was using the HTML5 Client on my iPad today, using my session en route 
and using the integrated soft keyboard, the orginal touchy iPad keyboard. 
In this real case usage I have noticed to be quite lost without some 
special keys like esc and ctrl.

Is there a plan to integrate the tab key, cursor keys, esc, etc. also in 
this HTML5 client as it is integrated in ssh tools like iSSH 

Or does anybody has a workaround?

Best Regards,

Roman Plessl            phone:        +41 (62) 775 9904
OETIKER+PARTNER AG      email:        roman.plessl at oetiker.ch
Aarweg 15               web:          http://it.oetiker.ch
CH-4600 Olten           switch board: +41 (62) 775 9900

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