[Thinlinc-technical] OSX client for PPC

Aaron Sowry aaron at cendio.se
Tue Aug 20 09:43:09 CEST 2013


Thanks for your feedback.

> So I am about to make the decision to migrate from SunRay to Thinlinc,
> but already I have found the supported clients to be really
> problematic. Now I know that OSX PPC is a little out of it now, but ARM
> really would be useful, especially as there is already a working client
> on the Pi, what's the problem with releasing that for people to use? 

The build we did for the Pi was more an internal proof-of-concept rather
than something we intended for public consumption. It was a helpful
excercise for us to learn what might be involved in producing a
supported ARM client in the future.

Unfortunately we weren't hugely impressed by the Pi's performance as a
thin client (I guess the hardware is cheap for a reason). ARM in general
is very interesting for us moving forward however, and it is one point
we will be discussing for the future roadmap.

Aaron Sowry                     | http://cendio.com
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