[Thinlinc-technical] Announcing Nightly Build Clients

Ezio Ostorero ezio at bbbsw.it
Thu Sep 13 15:58:37 CEST 2012

>This seems to be an "undocumented feature" of OS X ;)

yeah, I believe that Lion, by replacing "Spaces" with "Mission Control" 
made some havoc with workspaces management.

>Theoretically, you shouldn't be able to switch spaces with a window in fullscreen.

  Yes, why not? With Snow Leopard and "Spaces" that was ordinary 
switching of workspaces, runs with VMWare, ThinLinc etc.
   If you have multiple workspaces available, you want to jump from one 
to another unrestricted. On big, major advantage of Linux/Mac OS over 

>1) Pressing F8 again to bring up the menu
>2) Switching back to the original space with the ThinLinc client
>3) Clicking "Dismiss menu"

Great, this works!

   Thanks Aaron,


Ezio Ostorero
BBB SW e Sistemi SRL
"Meetings: wasting hours, saving minutes"

On 09/13/2012 01:22 PM, Aaron Sowry wrote:
> Hello,
>>   I found one small glitch though: if you press "F8", you switch to a
>> different desktop, then, on the floating "F8" menu you select "Dismiss
>> menu" you get a black screen and you're lost.
> This seems to be an "undocumented feature" of OS X ;)
> Theoretically, you shouldn't be able to switch spaces with a window in
> fullscreen. Bringing up the F8 menu in the ThinLinc manages to fool the
> OS into letting you do this, and you get the behaviour you describe.
> You can actually get yourself out of the black screen by:
> 1) Pressing F8 again to bring up the menu
> 2) Switching back to the original space with the ThinLinc client
> 3) Clicking "Dismiss menu"
> Hope that helps.
> Regards,

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