[Thinlinc-technical] RES: Fwd: help on ThinLinc

Celso Arruda carruda at computeasy.com.br
Tue Mar 18 15:08:31 CET 2008

Hi Wang


What is the S.O. version of yours notebook ?



Celso de Arruda| Engenheiro de Soluções | Computeasy | +55 11 6764-6400 | +55 11 8692-9798

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De: thinlinc-technical-bounces at lists.cendio.se [mailto:thinlinc-technical-bounces at lists.cendio.se] Em nome de Arthur Z Wang
Enviada em: terça-feira, 18 de março de 2008 10:03
Para: Thinlinc-technical at lists.cendio.se
Assunto: [Thinlinc-technical] Fwd: help on ThinLinc


Hi, all, I installed the thinlinc software on my own laptop. But something wrong happened when I run it. I got 2 screen shots of the error messages as in the attachment. The error message is in Chinese. The general meaning is that something wrong with the "Kernel32.dll". Have you encountered this kind of problem? I also tried several version of Thinlinc. It is always the same error.

How can I solve them?





WANG Zhi (Arthur), M.D.

Danish Research Centre for Magnetic Resonance
MR-department, 340
Kettegaard AllÈ 30
Hvidovre Hospital, University of Copenhagen 
2650 Hvidovre, Copenhagen, Denmark 
tel: 00 45 3632 2978
fax: 00 45 3647 0302 
Email: zhiwang at drcmr.dk

www: www.drcmr.dk/ www.cimbi.dk

Department of Radiology, Beijing Hospital
No.1 Dahua Road, Dongdan, Dongcheng District
100730, Beijing, China
Email: wangzhi at bjhmoh.cn 



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