[Thinlinc-technical] Security information, Webmin

Erik Forsberg forsberg at cendio.se
Mon Aug 7 14:35:49 CEST 2006

Security Problem in Webmin shipped with ThinLinc

The version of Webmin (1.270) shipped with ThinLinc 1.5.0 has a
security problem and if you have this version installed, you should
upgrade as soon as possible. See http://www.webmin.com/security.html
for details about the problem.

A new webmin version can be downloaded from

ThinLinc Security Upgrade Policy

Only packages under the serverkit-linux/ and serverkit-solaris/
directory on the ThinLinc server CD are part of the ThinLinc
product. Packages in the extras/ directory are shipped with ThinLinc
as a convenience, and should be seen as part of the underlying
operating system. Cendio does not take responsibility for the security
of these packages. We do however try to upgrade packages in extras/ 
when we release new versions of ThinLinc. 

Erik Forsberg                OpenSource-based Thin Client Technology
Systems Analyst/Developer    Phone: +46-13-21 46 00    
Cendio AB    	             Web: http://www.cendio.com

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