<!DOCTYPE html>
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</head><body><p>I sit behind a firewall with a squid proxy, I can ssh over the squid proxy, so setting up local ssh tunnels works for most of my linux/windows apps. Using web client now, but cutting and pasting is annoying with the toolbar in the middle.</p><p><br></p><p>Using ssh tunnels with thinlinc doesn't seem to work. Normally I'd just setup a localhost:2222 port to remotehost:22 and tell the app using ssh to connect to localhost:2222 and its good to go. </p><p>Thinlinc appears to setup more ssh tunnels and gets confused, I see it tries to connect to the remote host and ignore the local tunnel. </p><p><br></p><p>VNC can tunnel over ssh tunnels, so not sure if there is an option to maybe connect directly to the thinlinc vnc client, maybe?</p><p><br></p><p>Also, if any way to support the local ssh config for proxycommand programs like proxytunnel or corkscrew would also be a nice addition for tunneling. Proxytunnel works on windows for putty, so that's a good option for windows users using a proxy.</p><p><br></p><p>Thanks,</p><p>-Brook</p></body></html>