[Thinlinc-technical] SSH tunnel and Windows client

Philippe BOURDEU d'AGUERRE bda at aime-toulouse.fr
Mon May 5 13:27:33 CEST 2014


To connect from outside, we use a bridge host allowing only a tunnel to 
port 22 of inside hosts.

With Linux client I can connect to an inside host by creating 
~/.thinlinc/config file with something like:

Host inside
ProxyCommand ssh -W inside:22 -i path/of/tunnel/key 
tunnel at bridge.aime-toulouse.fr

Windows client seems to know file \Application Data\Thinlinc\config but 
I am unable to use it.

I notice that if I try Thinlinc ssh.exe, I get message:

"Bad owner or permissions"

Is there a way to have a working ssh configuration file on Windows client?
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