[Thinlinc-technical] ThinLinc 4.1.0 beta now available - some feedback

Andreas v. Heydwolff listmail at sandpsych.at
Sun Jun 23 22:26:27 CEST 2013

On 2013-06-07 16:16, Pierre Ossman wrote:
> We've just put up the beta for the next ThinLinc release. Please test
> away and see if you can find any issues we've missed. General feedback
> is also welcome though. =)

Hello Peter and others on the list,

thanks for the beta. Here it's installed since 2 weeks on a SOHO Debian
Wheezy amd64 system with KDE 4.8 on IGEL UD-x Linux clients. I am using
only basic features, not even smart cards at this time, but generally
speaking I am satisfied.

Once my secretary's desktop froze in the midst of a working day which
never happened with 4.0 but I just had to terminate her session from the
web interface, she logged in and it never happened again.

Congrats on the transition to not disabling xkb layouts in the window
manager which seems to have broken almost nothing here: The German
layout IGEL keys are working as they should even in the VBox Windows XP
machines. This had been somewhat difficult to achieve in the previous
server side +kb setup and I had an exchange with Peter Âstrand last year
who had been very helpful with this.

I take it from the last xkb related thread on the list it is desired
behaviour that currently the KDE settings are not modifying anything and
the IGEL keyboard settings are being replicated in the native Linux and
VBox Windows environments.

There are four glitches I found in VBox Windows machines:

The lower case key left of the "1" key (^, ZIRKUMFLEX on German
keyboards) produces in a Windows machine Ctl-Alt-ä [auml] instead of

AltGr-4 produces Ctl-Alt-<
AltGr-5 produces Ctl-Alt-<
AltGr-6 produces Shift-Ctl-Alt-<

as seen in a program I use frequently in which key shortcuts are being
displayed while defining them. The latter three shortcuts assigned to
these key combinations were not working already in TL 4.0 with German kb
in the IGEL and with +kb while the circumflex did work and got lost in 4.1.

Sound is still stuttering when playing Youtube videos but playing sound
files mostly works. Some discussant on this list wrote months ago this
was an IGEL related problem. I doubt this because in the IGEL's native
Firefox videos work very well. I assume it is a latency/bandwidth issue
related to the TL tunnel.

Which pulseaudio version is included in the client package? Did you at
ThinLinc define any special transmission settings for the tunnel that
would need to be matched in the server's pulse configuration?

Thanks again for all your great work, and best regards,

Andreas v. Heydwolff

PS will report later on testing the soft client from my laptop which
with TL 4.0 caused a keyboard mess when connecting from the road to a
disconnected session from the IGEL-SOHO setup

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