[Thinlinc-announce] ThinLinc 4.4.0 released

Pierre Ossman ossman at cendio.se
Fri Jun 5 10:28:53 CEST 2015

A new ThinLinc release is finally here, version 4.4.0. It includes more
than 80 enhancements. The most prominent features are:

* Improved graphics performance.

* An updated client for Mac OS X features 64-bit and sound support.

* The setup program (tl-setup) now features an unattended mode.

A detailed description of the this release is available at
https://www.cendio.com/thinlinc/docs/relnotes/4.4.0 .

The client and server software can be downloaded directly from our
web page. As before, the software is completely free for up to 10
concurrent users. You can also test ThinLinc 4.4.0 by creating an
account on our demo system.

Get started using ThinLinc 4.4.0 by visiting our getting started
page at https://www.cendio.com/thinlinc/how-to-get-started

Pierre Ossman           Software Development
Cendio AB		https://cendio.com
Teknikringen 8		https://twitter.com/ThinLinc
583 30 Linköping	https://facebook.com/ThinLinc
Phone: +46-13-214600	https://plus.google.com/+CendioThinLinc

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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